Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Near the end of November
Turks & Caicos Islands

I delayed to write about this dream.

It was significantly eerie as the world was inhabited by two types of clones.  Ones like Captain America and ones like a stealth soldier garbed in all black.

I sat on top of a house and watched as the impending attack came in.  As the waves of fighters collided, I ran off to seek the source of the madness.  On my way to the source, a black limo stops my progress and out comes a lengthy man with an unrealistic face.  A quick exchange of words and then 3 soldiers come out of the limo and attack me.  My reaction time was sharp and I was able to disarm one and kill all three in the process.


What the?

Friday, 18 November 2011


Night of November 17th, 2011
Providenciales, Turks & Caicos

Strap yourself in, I hope I can explain this clearly.  This dream was a two or three part series.

I was on my way back home to California.  Everything felt so real and I was excited to be arriving.  Upon my return, I was only met with bad news as two of my old friends had been declared dead.  The shock vibrated through my body and I can feel the flow of tears developing.

I woke for a bit and went back to sleep.

My next connection to the astral plane continued from this story line.  A group of us were going to a night club to party in the city.  When we get to the door, I am shocked to see my once proclaimed deceased friend awaiting our arrival.  It is here that I can now fully understand that I am dreaming.

We enter the club and it is packed with familiar and unfamiliar faces.  Sifting through the crowd, I find myself watching as a person?thing? is performing what seems to be a dance ritual.  His/her motions were nothing short of entrancing and the objects that surrounded her were rather intriguing.  This is where I felt I needed to take action.  The ritual being performed seemed very voodoo like and I did not like its essence.  I ran towards the performer and wrecked the displayed artifacts that surrounded it.  A loud yelp rushed through the place and the whole world transformed into a renaissance-like setting.

I bolt out of the open area and morph into a bird of prey to flee the scene.  The thing pursuing is leaving a wake of destruction but can't seem to focus it's energy.  I rest in a high building hanging to see the pursuer and camoflauge into the brick and adobe building.  I realize that it is about that time to leave and I use my parkour skills to get into a room near the top of the building.  I tap a sleeping monk and we both run together through the room of scripture writers as others follow our lead.  We run into the open and all transform into birds and fly off into the sky.  The flight is easy and the perspective of flying is the feeling I miss the most.  The sky itself produces some color and its formation is in the shape of the greater United States.

Is it time to go home?

Thursday, 10 November 2011


Night of November 9, 2011
Providenciales, Turks & Caicos

A night of entertainment as I watch a really good dance show from the front row.  Then, I find my room backpack and room keys.  I ride the wrong elevator but enjoy the very fast ride and high destination.  That's all folks.

How looney?

Sunday, 6 November 2011


Night of November 5, 2011
Queens, New York

The stroll of the city was unique as every building was a church of a certain denomination.  Although the streets were crowded with individuals, nobody was looking up at the buildings.  Instead they were just focused on where they were headed.

**Insert Question Here**

Saturday, 5 November 2011


Night of November 4, 2011
Queens, New York

A nice, refreshing day out in the city.  My lonely stroll is enjoyable as I just take the sights in.  And then it hits me, I know where I am!

I know that I am in a dream so I start doing the improbable.  I want to 'Hulk Out', and so I proceed to run into the middle of the street against the oncoming traffic.  I patiently wait for the impact and proceed to try to punch the cars away as they approach.  Trouble is they keep swerving out of the way and I cannot get a clean shot on a vehicle.  I am starting to get frustrated and try running into them at a faster rate but they still dodge my Pacquaio haymakers.  I get frustrated and continue on my way.

I find some open space and decide that I want to try flying.  I prepare myself for ascent and slowly catch the rhythm to launch.  My second try is successful and I am airborne over the small buildings.  I am moving at a very slow pace but I am glad that I am flying again!

Now that I am flying, I am alerted about a criminal activity.  I think, "Do I really have to help here?"  Well, I proceed to see the bald assailants and they scurry away while dropping diamonds behind them.

What's next? 

Friday, 4 November 2011


Night of November 3, 2011
Brooklyn, New York

I can't remember too much from this session.

I was watching TV and then went outside when something was happening.  As I went outside, a huge mushroom cloud was just forming and there was an 'end of the world' feeling.  Then, we all realized it was just an MTV van on fire near us.  I tried to fly off with another individual but I could not support the extra weight or I couldn't fly.  Either way, they were arresting the man responsible and they put out the fire.  That's all I can recall.

Why couldn't I fly?

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Night of November 1, 2011
New York

I dreamt of a world that is the same as this one we live in but we fought on the last line of resistance.  Our community was based in a central location with all looking out for each other.

The defining element in this world was that every so often, a rift from the underworld would open and allow one to access 'hell'.  Those that lived in the community were not immune to such evil as they would physically turn white and act zombielike if they were infected with this sickness.  Hope was not lost because when one would turn white, you could hit them in the throat or slightly choke them to try to release the evil disease.

The sense of an impending end to the battle was at hand as those of us in the community were quickly getting infected and a plan of action to invade the underworld was being engaged.  Rifts were closing faster than expected but eventually Gus and I were able to access a small pipe and entered the underworld.

Much to our surprise it was very similar to our world as we were implanted into what seemed like a subway station.  We were greeted by a group of females that seemed nice and wanted us to follow where they were headed.  After a short debate, we decided that they were not a part of the rebellion and proceeded upstairs to a communal gathering.

Our plan to overthrowing the evil regime turned out to be more complicated than expected because there weer no distinguishing features to discern who was good, bad, or the devil.  The presence of the devil seemed to transfer as each testifier spoke to the large crowd.  Our second objective of bringing people back to the revolutionary community was underway as I awoke.

What was our exit Strategy?


I recently watched a documentary about a Buddhist Rinpochet and now will start writing my dreams as part of this blog...  enJOY

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Theories of a Ponderer

What can create?

It must be a state of perfect balance and harmony.  Are the angles the exact measurements needed to ensure the longevity of an item so that it can sustain life?

I created a letter once.  I wonder if it is still alive.  Humans sure have created a lot of stuff.

On the other hand, the universe was the solution to the most complex equation.  The possibilities for things to exist is mindboggling with the plethora of realms that creatures, beings, and mists can exist.  I have recently seen and will try and explain my example of a "perfect creation".  This picture has not been altered in any way and came from a selection of Hubble Telescope Images :

The Heaven's Eye Nebula is made up of gaseous clouds that form over a section of space that is affected by a gravitational pull.  The tremendous distance between our galaxy and their locations ironically form patterns that look like eyes, objects, or body parts.  Searching for the Heaven's Eye Nebula will have a collection of Hubble Space Images.

Eerily, the position of the eye is located in the overlapping section of a visual Venn Diagram.  This 'existing area' is centered with a star that can possibly be surrounded with a gammy ray area due to the intense concentration of a green gas.  The intensity of the heat of this star must be very strong to obliterate traces of an orbiter within the range of power.  The other visible object in the area of exposure must be the luckiest place in the universe.

                                  If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.


The symbolism of the infinity sign and an eye is universal.  The Yin-Yang, the unbelievable, the undeniable.  The incomprehensible, the simplicity.  The exactness, the random.  The coincidence, the planned.  The existing, the ever living.

         This hurricane better be good.
         Can another being survive in this kind of condition?  I can envision a being like a cockroach to be able to even endure the conditions.  What was the original size of the object prior to being perfectly singed to remain in rotation with the centered star?  If a cockroach like creature can exist, can another type of being, like US exist elsewhere?  

                                                          If I were an alien race that could explore locations in the universe
                                                          I would definitely try and get close to this location to see what                                            
                                                          Was really there.
                                                          Seeing big cockroaches would be the best find because
                                                          I would farm them and take them through space
                                                          For Insurance.
                                                          I would unleash them on any other possible dangerous beings.
                                                          The competitive foe that happened to survive would then
                                                          Deal with the true wrath of our alien race.
                                                          May we all live...

Friday, 5 August 2011



When was the last?  What did you do?  Did you notice it?  Did you want to?  Is it for the better?  What did you learn?  Who/what does it affect?  Where do you go from here?

You come and go and you will never be the same.  "The moment" is ever changing and to always be present in it requires one to never realize that it is ever there.  When one thinks a bit ahead or behind the moment, they spend that instant trying to get back into it.  Letting go of things has helped me to try my best to remain in the moment.  Trust in initial reactions and don't look back.  Mistakes are made to be learned from; and in the same concept, learning from enough will sharpen your initial reaction. 

My life has recently made a drastic change due to a new employment opportunity.  Is it different from anything I have ever done?  Yes.  Am I happy in what I do and the work I put in?  Yes.  Can I continue to learn and grow within this company?  Yes.  Is this a healthy lifestyle in which I can "shine light" to others?  To be determined...